OCIA (Formally know as RCIA)

OCIA (The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) meets Tuesday in the evening in the Jubilee Room.  The OCIA process starts every September and runs until just after Easter Sunday.  For inquires, please contact the parish office 742-7151.

If you are interested, please fill out this form below and email it to Frhenrys@gmail.com or drop it off at the office:


Are you:

  • Interested in becoming Catholic?
  • A Catholic who wishes to receive Confirmation and/or First Eucharist?
  • Interested in helping someone you know become fully initiated in the
    Catholic faith in the sponsorship program?

Then OCIA is for you.

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process for adults who
desire to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. The goal of the
OCIA process is full, conscious, and active participation in an exciting life
with Jesus Christ within His Catholic Church. OCIA helps adults grow in their
relationship with God, become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices,
get acquainted with the faith community, and get involved in service within the
community as a whole.

And, if you are a fully initiated Catholic, you can sponsor a OCIA catechumen or
candidate. A sponsor is a friend or companion who can help the catechumens and
candidates. A sponsor is a practicing member of the parish.

A four step process…

Step 1: Period of Inquiry

  • Unique to each individual
  • Time for asking questions
  • Time to intensely examine one’s personal relationship with God
  • Sponsors accompany catechumens and candidates on their journey

Step 2: Period of Catechumenate

  • Begins with the Rite of Acceptance & Welcoming into the Order of
  • Time of learning the teachings of the Church and beginning to accept
    Catholic teachings and practices
  • Sponsors accompany catechumens and candidates on their journey

Step 3: Period of Purification and Enlightenment

  • Begins with Rite of Election
  • Catechumens are now called the Elect
  • Time of intense preparation during Lent to celebrate the Resurrection of
    Jesus at Easter and to receive the Sacraments of Initiation

Step 4: Period of Mystagogia

  • Begins with the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and
    First Eucharist during the Easter Season
  • Time of reflection on the commitment made to the Lord, the Church, and the
    faith community
  • Time of finding a place in the community and getting involved

Catechumen or Candidate?

Many people who want to join the Catholic Church have already been baptized
in another Christian church. They do not need to be baptized again. They will
follow a form of these four steps adapted to their particular needs and

Others may have been baptized in the Catholic Church and need to complete the
sacraments of Initiation by receiving First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. All
will have an opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and learn more
about the faith before receiving these Sacraments.

Unbaptized persons are known as Catechumens. Those already baptized are called